
Ways To Stay Motivated During Your Job Search

Job search Motivation networking


Ketan Anjaria

1) Take walks.

Get out of your house. Go now. Don't make excuses, I strongly believe stagnant bodies lead to stagnant minds.

2) Talk to friends.

Many of us don't want to admit that we are having a hard time during a job search. But it's one of the most trying times in our lives. Reach to friends and let them know. You don't have to carry the weight alone.

3) Network

While online communities can be very engaging, nothing beats getting out there and actually talking to people face-to-face. There's always a meet up or event related to your career. And many companies have folks at these events specifically. Do not think you can nail your job search while at home in your jammies 😜

Here are some additional suggestions from some of our HireClub Facebook community members:

  • Volunteer, give back, offer to help someone to utilize your strengths
  • Read books that will help you stay positive and motivated.
  • Write
  • Do things that you were too busy to do before.
  • Try something new and take the time to know yourself better. It might lead you to a new career path that you have never thought about before.
  • Connect with people, whether it be friends you've lost touch with or meet new people within your network and share similar interests.
  • Go to the HireClub Facebook group and connect with other people in your industry who are also looking. Take it to the next level (and make some new friends) by setting up a weekly meeting together to share each other's next job search steps and hold each other accountable.
  • Set small goals, like two network connections a week or "I'll send my resume out to three people" a day.
  • Educate yourself, even if it's a Udemy or Alison course or a quick workshop at an adult school or community college. Makes a huge difference to wake up the next morning and say "I know more than I did yesterday."
  • Take long, slow walks that will allow you to think and clear your mind.
  • Watch a sad movie and have a good cry
  • Go to the beach/forest/mountains and scream (or just chill out)
  • Do some yoga or other form of exercise
  • Meditate
  • Treat yourself to a yummy meal
  • After you've been hammering away at job applications, afterwards give yourself some sort of a prize (massage, or restaurant) as a reward.
  • Get a mentor or a coach for guidance
  • Know that you are not alone and believe that there is something out there for you and you will find it - truly believe that.

What are some good ways to stay positive during the job hunt? Comment below with your ideas.


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