Alaska Unemployment Guide

Where to Apply for Unemployment Benefits
Unemployment Checklist
What information and documents you need.
- Your Social Security Number
- If you are not a U.S. citizen, you will need your alien registration number and work permit type or other documentation that authorizes your employment in the United States
- Name, mailing address and phone number of your last employer and the location where you reported to work
- Dates of your last employment, first and last day worked
- Earnings you made in the last week of your employment
- Other deductible income received in the last week of employment; such as vacation, severance or bonus pay.
- Federal employees are required to mail or fax copies of standard form SF8 and SF50, and when possible a Leave and Earnings Statement (LES)
- Ex-military personnel are required to mail or fax a copy of the DD214 member 4
- Ex-military personnel can obtain these documents at
- Ex-personnel of the Department of Defense can obtain records at