Illinois Unemployment Guide

Where to Apply for Unemployment Benefits
Unemployment Checklist
What information and documents you need.
- Your Social Security Number and Name as it appears on your Social Security card;
- Your Driver License / State ID (this will provide your weight, which is required);
- If claiming your spouse or child as a dependent, the Social Security Number, date of birth and name(s) of dependent(s);
- Name, mailing address, phone number, employment dates, and separation reason for all the employers you worked for in the last 18 months;
- Wage records (W-2 form, check stubs, etc.) from these employers may be necessary.
- If you worked since Sunday of this week, the gross wages earned this week;
- You must report all gross wages for any work performed, full or part-time;
- Gross means the total amount earned before deductions, not ""take home pay"", including wages in the form of lodging, meals, merchandise or any other form;
- Gross wages must be reported the week in which they are earned, not the week in which you receive the wages;
- If your gross wages earned in any week are less than your weekly benefit amount, you still may be eligible to receive a full or partial benefit payment);
- Records of any pension payments you are receiving (not including Social Security);
- If you are not a United States citizen, your Alien Registration Information;
- If you are a recently separated veteran, the Member 4 Copy of the DD form 214 / 215;
- Other copies of the DD Form 214 / 215 are acceptable, but the Member 4 copy is the most commonly available.
- If you are separated from work as a civilian employee of the federal government, copies of your Standard Form 8 and Personnel Action Form 50.