New Mexico Unemployment Guide

Where to Apply for Unemployment Benefits
Unemployment Checklist
What information and documents you need.
- Social Security Number (SSN)
- Mailing address and phone number(s) of employer(s) you worked for in last 18 months
- The starting and ending dates of your last job (or jobs if more than one employer in last 18 months)
- If you are a non-citizen, have your alien registration number and expiration date
- If you worked during the week you are filing your claim, be sure you know the gross amount (total dollars and cents before any deductions) of your pay before filing
New Mexico Benefits Calculator
Your Unemployment Insurance weekly benefit amount is based on wages you earned in the first four of the last five completed calendar quarters. This is a 'Regular' base period. You must have earned the minimum wages required in at least one quarter, and at least $1.00 of wages in another quarter of the base period to be monetarily eligible.
If you do not qualify monetarily with wages earned during this 'Regular' base period, you may qualify with an 'Alternate' base period. This is where wages earned in the most recent completed quarter are used to compute your monetary entitlement.