Kentucky Unemployment Guide

Where to Apply for Unemployment Benefits
Unemployment Checklist
What information and documents you need.
Personal Information
- Social Security OR Alien Registration Number
- Date of Birth
- Complete Mailing Address
- Phone Number
Employer Information (For the last 18 months)
- Business/Company Name
- Business/Company Mailing Address
- Business/Company Phone Number
- Dates of Employment
- The reason you are no longer working for EACH employer
Other Information You May Need
- If you worked in other states: List of states in which you worked.
- If you worked for a Temporary Agency: Name/Address of Temporary Agency.
- If you worked for the Federal Government: Agency Name; Component name; Copy of your Standard Form (SF8, SF50).
- If you were in the US Military: Copy of your DD214 Member 4.
- If you worked through a skilled trade union: Name of contractor
Kentucky Benefits Calculator
In order to serve you better, UI claims will be filed on a specific day of the week based on the first letter of your last name.
Sunday: A-D
Monday: E-H
Tuesday: I-L
Wednesday: M-P
Thursday: Q-U
Friday: V-Z
Friday: If You Missed Your Day
Website hours:
Monday-Friday - 7 AM - 7 PM ET Sunday - 10 AM - 9 PM ET