Maine Unemployment Guide

Where to Apply for Unemployment Benefits
Unemployment Checklist
What information and documents you need.
- Your Social Security Number (and Alien Registration Number if applicable);
- The business name, address and telephone number of each place you worked during the past 18 months; and
- The jobs you held and the dates you worked (for each employer).
- Dependent Information: Social Security number (s) of children whom you’re the main support of.
- Veterans who separated from the armed forces in the past 18 months will need to provide information from a DD-214. Federal civilian employees will need to provide information from a SF-8 or SF-50.
Maine Benefits Calculator
The dollar amount you are qualified to receive each week is called your weekly benefit amount (WBA). It is based on your earnings during a set period prior to losing your job. The figure is calculated by dividing the average of your wages in the two highest quarters of your base period by 22. The maximum WBA is adjusted annually. Effective June 1, 2019, it is $445.00 (plus $10 per dependent per week, and can total no more than one half of the WBA).